Positivity Pack Positivity Pack
Wine Packs

Positive Pack

The "Positive Pack" contains one bottle of each:

2023 Bronco Buster

2023 Fiano

2023 Vermentino

2024 Colour of Calmness Rose

2024 Grenache Blanc

2003 Nero d'Avola

2023 Montepulciano

2023 Bullets Before Cannonballs

2022 Marathon Man

2023 Soldier Land Shiraz

2023 Soldiers' Land Grenache

2022 Soldiers' Land Zibibbo Passito


As I fly over the mighty Murray River, I'm reminded that I have an important role to play as a stakeholder in the Australian Wine Industry... and that is being an ambassador of positivity for the Riverland, South Australia & Australian Wine!

 We all need to passionately take on this important task.

 You can't sell wine with a whine! 

To the gentleman on flight QF 730... thank you.

 Your unprovoked gesture of kindness has reawakened my understanding of the power of positivity.Â